A Stay At The Palace Hotel

A Stay At The Palace Hotel

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It's not every weekend that you get to have an epic overnight with some of my amazing blogger friends at The Palace Hotel. A few weeks ago, Sarah of Sassy Red Lipstick organized our entire stay with The Palace Hotel team and it was incredible. Before I begin to gush about our stay, let me tell you that The Palace Hotel is one of my favorite hotels in San Francisco. It's history speaks for itself (built in the late 1800's) and as San Francisco becomes more and more modernized, classic places like The Palace Hotel hold a very special place in my heart because they are becoming more and more rare. Also, spending time with some truly beautiful humans (hey Sarah, Veronica, Camilla, LaTisha, and Shannon!) was pretty damn special, too.

Mercedes Girl

Mercedes Girl

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Even before I turned 16, driving was the most exciting thing I looked forward to. I even remember asking my mom questions like "don't you just LOVE driving?!" and "how does it feel to get behind the wheel?!" I couldn't wait to get behind the wheel and have the freedom to drive anywhere I want. So, when I finally got my license, all I wanted to do was drive. Even though driving is something that I still love to do and *try* not to take it for granted, I have never had a luxury car. In fact, I have always had a sensible car. So, when Autobahn Motors wanted to work together, I was very very excited to experience the luxury and excitement of a Mercedes Benz ride.

BabbleBoxx Festival Season Favorites

BabbleBoxx Festival Season Favorites

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How exciting is it to get a box full of goodies that are tailored just for YOU? With music festival season coming up (who's excited?!?!), Babble Boxx has got all your fun essentials covered. Whether you're heading out to dance across the desert with your favorite bands or you're making your own festival line-up to groove to in your car, Babble Boxx has thought curated a box of essentials that will make sure you're festival ready!

Galentine’s Day

Galentine’s Day

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When I first entered the blogging world four and a half years ago, I really didn't see myself connecting with a lot of women. I place a lot of the blame on myself being a total homebody and introvert (yes, I am super shy when I don't know people!). I found myself not going to events because I was afraid I wouldn't know anyone so I just stayed home and missed out on great opportunities. As an adult, I also found it very hard to create genuine friendships with other women because I have pretty high standards for those I choose to spend my time with. When I don't feel comfortable with someone, I often feel a great deal of pressure to make that person like me (I am a total people pleaser by nature) even if I don't see us becoming friends. I know, it's really weird, but that's just who I am and I've come to accept it. I choose my friends very carefully and I can honestly say that blogging has been the best way for me to make some of the best friendships that I have ever had.

Holy Matcha

Holy Matcha

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Holy Matcha is a gift from the Instagram Gods. No seriously, it is. The entire shop is TO DIE FOR and it has been on my MUST VISIT list for a very very long time. So, when Jonny and I decided to take our anniversary trip to sunny San Diego, I was thrilled to 1.) celebrate with my love and 2.) GO TO HOLY MATCHA and maybe not necessarily in that order (#matchaobsessed). As you all know, I have an HEALTHY obsession with matcha. I do not drink coffee because I am sensitive to the caffeine levels in everyone's favorite morning drug and I actually quit drinking coffee about five years ago when I learned about this sensitivity and haven't really looked back. When I drink coffee, I don't melt into a puddle a la Wicked Witch from the West style but I do feel gross. I found that if I had a cup of coffee in the AM and ANYTHING caffeinated in the PM (this could even be dark chocolate) I would crash so hard. Anyway, long story short, I don't drink caffeinated coffee but will have decaffeinated coffee every now and then because I love the taste.