Like most people, this time of year is perfect for reflecting on the past twelve months of your life. With the new year approaching, it’s hard not to think about what’s ahead. Goals, resolutions, and wishes to follow the ushering in of a brand new year are all wonderful things to get us excited for what’s to come. However, I believe it’s really important to remember everything you’ve accomplished as well. While a good number of people are relieved that the year is ending and they will have a fresh start with the new year, I tend to feel very sentimental at the turning of the new year. I love remembering all the highs and lows that the last twelve months held for me and for those I love. Celebrating my successes, my relationships, my bold choices to take risks, the times that I questioned myself but succeeded, and the moments where I had to work really hard to focus on myself and not others.
It’s amazing how much can happen in one year and how quickly it goes by. I used to laugh at my parents when they warned me that time goes by very quickly and that everyone should enjoy every single second of your life like it was your last. As a teenager, I couldn’t wait to be an adult. I wanted time to go by faster so I could be older and start experiencing the freedom I so desperately wanted. Naturally, my parents were right (as always!) and time does indeed fly by, just as they warned me it would. I sometimes find myself yearning for the “good old days” (I am very a sentimental and nostalgic person) but then I remember that my current life is pretty freaking awesome. For 2018, one of the things that I want to work on is being more present as opposed to living in the past and/or future. While it’s good to remember meaningful memories, it’s also important to take a second to appreciate the life you lead here and now.
I also want to take a moment to thank you all for supporting me through 4+ years of blogging. I honestly can’t believe I’ve been doing this for that long and that this creative outlet has turned into something that I truly cannot imagine my life without. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Here’s to an amazing 2018, friends!