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IMG_8744Outfit Details | Sweater (Joie, old, but just bought this one!), Striped Top (Saint James via J Crew), Jeans (ASOS), Sunglasses (Valentino), Shoes (Madewell), Purse (JCOS Studios).

Happy Hump Day, friends! Ah, the middle of the week. The weekend finally seems within reach and people, including myself, are starting to make weekend plans.

Ready for some real talk? I love dressing it up for the blog but ladies, this is the much more casual uniform you can most likely find me in on weekend afternoons, especially when the San Francisco weather is anything but sunny and warm. Having a wide variety of chunky sweaters is pretty much a necessity for us Bay Area gals. With finicky weather, you never know when you’re going to need to slip on something warm. For me, that “something warm” is always this Joie sweater. I come back to it over and over, especially when I’m having one of those “nothing in my closet feels right” moments, which happens more often then I would like to admit. It has the perfect amount of drapey-ness (definitely not a word) and it never stretches out. It’s a miracle sweater! Even though this sweater is from a few seasons ago, I linked a similar color cashmere sweater above that I also just grabbed at an extra 50% off!

Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Sandy
    June 4, 2015 / 11:41 am

    I love casual Tam. This look is also classy. Keep it up!

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