Yes, I’m wearing my Teddy Bear coat again and guess what? I don’t feel bad about it one bit. A couple weeks ago, I polled y’all on my Instagram stories about whether or not you guys wanted to see more day to day looks on the blog. So many people messaged me saying that they are dying to see more casual looks and the majority vote on the poll was 85% yes! Since I truly care about bringing content to my little corner of the internet that my beloved readers want to see, I listened.
One of the reasons I love winter dressing so much is that it’s so EASY. Over the years, I have stocked my closet with a ton of amazing outerwear pieces because, let’s face it, it’s always coat/jacket weather in SF (thanks, Karl the Fog). Outerwear might just be my most preferred style item because a jacket or coat can truly make or break an outfit. I used to just have one warm coat that I wore with everything. Actually, it wasn’t really a coat, it was my white snowboard jacket and I literally wore it with everything. Now that I’m older and MUCH more stylish, I would say it’s safe to say that I collect outerwear. Now, when I say dressing for winter is so easy, what I mean is that throwing on a coat can TOTALLY jazz up a jeans and sweater outfit. It can even disguise the fact that you’ve already worn that outfit once already that week (I am super guilty of this style trick). Yep, I’m convinced outerwear have magical powers that just seem to make outfits better.
This Teddy Bear coat has proved to be one of my best purchases this chilly winter because I wear it ALL THE TIME and even though it’s oversized, it still feels extremely structured while remaining comfortable. This is a pretty big accomplishment since some coats may look great but are so uncomfortable to wear (annooooooying). Hoping this Teddy Bear coat trend lasts for awhile because I am for sure digging it.