Show Your Stripes


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Outfit Details | Sweater (H&M, old but love this one), Jumpsuit (Reformation, sold out but this one is my current obsession), Purse (Gucci), Shoes (Saint Laurent), Sunglasses (Dior) 

Happy (almost) 4th of July! I usually don’t really theme dress for holidays but for some reason, I have been really drawn to reds this summer and I am coincidently giving off those July holiday vibes with this outfit. I actually bought this sweater in spring and love the red, white and blue varsity stripes. Doesn’t it kind of give off Gucci vibes? I think so! Also, I am so sad that this striped jumpsuit is sold out but what I’ve learned from desperately stalking pieces I want on Reformation’s website because everything sells out insanely fast is that you gotta buy right away! I’m so glad I snapped up this beauty because I find myself wearing it all the time. It’s so easy and effortless and for me, that’s all I want from a jumpsuit!

Anyway, I hope you’re all eating lots of good food, hanging out with good friends, and just overall enjoying your day off!

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