For those of you that don’t know, Ariana and I have been very close ever since she was born in 1987. We grew up always playing together, having each other’s backs, and genuinely loving each other as both friends and sisters. From an early age, our parents always stressed how important it was to have a great relationship with each other and it really stuck. Ariana and I talk everyday, we support each other, and we still love spending time together after all these years. Of course, we fight but we always find our way back to each other. We are only 18 months apart so we have always been close in age, which made our relationship even stronger.
Over the past year or so, Ariana and I have been making a real effort to travel more together. Once siblings get older and start their own lives, it can be more difficult to find the time to have major quality time together and we miss each other. I mean, we shared a room forever and then even shared a queen bed for awhile, too. We just like being together! We started taking these sister trips to spend lots of time together and experience new things as sisters.
Last year, we went to New York and Quebec. In years past, we have traveled to Israel together and made multiple trips to New York as well. This year, we went to Paris (probably the most epic Sister Trip yet) and we are trying to plan some things for summer as well. It’s so fun to travel together because, as much as I love traveling with Jonny, having a girl trip to do fun girly things is always a treat. Plus, Ariana and I travel really well together. It’s so fun to be together and we really bring out the goofiness in each other, which is fun for both of us. Also, trips just allow so much time for bonding. It was so nice to have so much time to just BE with each other. We had so many amazing experiences in Paris and we talk everyday about how much we miss being in Paris but also how much we miss being TOGETHER in Paris.
On the way home, Ariana even took care of me when I was really sick with some sort of virus and throwing up all over the plane. Not once did she make me feel bad (or dry heave when she was double bagging my barf) and she was a real champ. She rubbed my back, stayed awake to make sure I was okay, gave me her neck pillow to help me rest, and negotiated terms with the flight staff to make sure I had the most comfortable flight possible. She was the real MVP of our trip home and I was so thankful that she was there with me (thanks, Ar!) because that trip home was hell. The only thing that made it better was being with Ariana.
Cannot wait for our next Sister Trip!!!!! Love you, Ar!