Summer Sweater

Summer Sweater

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When I go back to work every year (if you didn't know, I am an elementary school counselor), I always feel this strong need to start wearing fall clothes because the start of a school year always reminds me of back to school shopping with my mom.

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Who Wears Short Shorts?

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Okay, I'm going to say it. I HATE SHORTS. Hate them. Like, with a passion hate them. They never fit me right and they make me feel horrible about myself. I either have to order shorts like 2-3 sizes too big to not make my ass and thighs feel like they're being smothered but then they are HUGE in the waist or buy them in my regular size and then they are way too small in the thighs and butt. UGH! It's so annoying!

Feeling Alive

Feeling Alive

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During the summer months, I do find that I love lighter colors that represent my overall lightness of mood. My friends always poke fun at me for saying this, but summer time is when I come alive. I love the temperate weather in the Bay Area, the freedom to do what I want, and the ability to take a break from my job as a school counselor.

Ulla Johnson Dress

Ulla Johnson Dress

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When it comes to anything Ulla Johnson styles, I am convinced she can do no wrong. I have loved Ulla Johnson for many many years and I don't really ever see myself NOT wearing her pieces in the years to come. To be completely honest, I don't love spending lots of money on one piece but I have found that I have kept my all Ulla Johnson pieces (even the very first dress I bought 6 years ago!) and rewear them constantly.

Why Is Red An Intimidating Color?

Why Is Red An Intimidating Color?

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No, but really, why IS red such an intimidating color to wear? Maybe I'm alone in this but I have found others that feel similarly and I'm going to try and deconstruct why it's hard for ladies to incorporate the boldness of red into their wardrobes. For me personally, red really stands out in my closet. I feel like a lot of other colors that I wear tend to work better with pink or neutral tones, which makes me less likely to buy items that are solid red, like this Song of Style top.